Midwest Goes West

Hello, it's me, Amy.

This is a very special day for me and for the Campfire Experience. Two years ago I decided to leave the comfort and security of a path I believed I was expected to take -- and instead blazed my own trail. One filled with adventure. And travel. And creativity. And community. 

So at the end of March 2016, I took that leap. The honest truth, at the time, was that I didn't know how or if I would land. But not only did I land... I was carried toward my vision by a wave of support. 

It was you. You made it okay. You made it possible. You believed in this dream. You created a community. And you lifted us up. 

These past two years have been some of the most fulfilling of my life. I began alone, working inside nearly every coffee shop in Columbus, Ohio to create the strategy and plan that would become the foundation of this company. Then, there came a time that I could no longer do things on my own. So I built a team. A team of passionate, hard-working, creative people who were willing to drive for hours before dawn to build a world custom-created for our clients. This team would take just as much pride as I would seeing the vision come to life. And we grew. And as we grew our vision grew. 

And over these past two years what I've come to understand is that what you perceive to be the destination is just another point in your journey. As you climb that metaphoric mountain, your vantage point changes, and so too does your vision for what lies ahead. 

And so, what does lie ahead? With a heart full of gratitude, I am proud to announce that in midsummer of 2018, we will be expanding to Boulder, Colorado! The same feelings of excitement mixed with uncertainty are just as prevalent as the were two years ago. But we know that with you as our community of support, the road will rise up to meet us. 

Thank you for being our first adopters. Our champions. Our community. We are forever grateful. 

Amy & the Campfire Team

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